Friday, April 1, 2016

                                       The Letter Y

 Image result for pics of a capital y  

The letter y, not just any y but a capital Y
A sling shot, a funnel, a zipper getting unzipped
Or perhaps headphones

The letter Y looks like many things
Half a stick person, a volcano erupting
possibly even the Eiffel tower

It depends on how you look at it
A chicken foot, a fork in the road
Maybe even a microphone stand

It could be a lot of random things
A snowman's hand, a branch, an intersection
Even a protractor in a way

Yolk, yes, yell, you, yellow,
Yawn, York, young, yonder
And that is the letter Y

                            An America made of beauty

                                                              by Jennie LaGue

For waves plain shed America grain
With purple and amber mountains and skies
For the good grace of God above
Thy spacious majesties fruited crown on America
For thee is beautiful

Monday, January 18, 2016

                                  misunderstood reasons

I woke up my vision a little blurry and saw a younger looking man who seemed in his twenties, he was dressed up in a nice suit and he held a paper in front of me “are you this boy?” they were looking for me. What was I going to do? “Um no” He looked at me and rolled his eyes “let’s go kid” he was going to turn me in.

                                                               One week earlier

 I woke up from the freezing temperature that lingered throughout my room and checked my alarm clock “4:15 in the morning” I muttered under my breath, I knew I wasn’t going to get to go back to sleep. I slowly got up from my bed and walked over to the thermometer it read 15 degrees Fahrenheit of course another winter day and no possible way to be warm besides the warm blanket on my bed I walked back and laid back down. The sun slowly rose but I stayed laying there until I heard my sister Jorja “Alek don’t do that!” I got up and got dressed and wiped the fog off my window and looked down and sure enough there was Jorja trying building a snowman and Alek trying to ruin it.
 Jorja’s seven and Alek’s sixteen, and I’m 12 you would think Alek would be responsible by now but he’s just spoiled like Jorja there “the best” and they get to sit around while I have to do the work around the house. Jorja I get along but me and Alek don’t.   
“I can do whatever I want” Alek remarked
“Who said” Jorja said with attitude
“I did” Alek said as he kicked the snowman’s head off
“Moooommmm” Jorja whined
“Anthony get down here and make breakfast” I walked down the stairs and found my mother sitting at the table on her phone. I walked into the kitchen and pulled eggs out of the fridge some bacon and bread and started cooking. When I was done I put it on the table “good now go get your brother and sister then go up to your room and clean it, you can come to eat what’s left when Jorja, Alek and I are done.” That was the regular routine, I didn’t really have a room I would sleep in the attic clean the house and go to bed but I would also have to cook all the meals. As I finished up I walked down stairs and over heard my mom and dad talking
“He’s going to be too much on the family”
“To much , we should put him up for adoption”
“Sounds good I guess, for Anthony’s sake”
I couldn’t stand here hearing my parents talking about giving me up for adoption, I was going to run away, yeah that was my plan. I ran up the stairs and started packing shirts, jeans, money I found around the house, matches, paper, cardboard, my blanket and body spray just in case I had to keep a fire going, and I was off once they fall asleep. Dinner passed, and they all watched a movie as a family, then all the lights went off I finally heard my parent’s door shut, and I was off. I took off out the front door making sure to keep it quiet and ran, I looked back at a place I used to call home and grimaced.
 I knew I wouldn’t last long if I only had eight dollars and forty seven cents but it was worth a shot. I was going to go as long as I could and then die I’m not going to live in a place where nobody loves me. Shortly after I found a park bench and drifted off till I fell asleep. I woke up to the bright sun in my eyes and sat up, I headed straight to the local store and bought a few bottles of water and a bag of chips, which only left me with one dollar and twenty nine cents. I put the money in my bag and headed toward the mountains, I heard there was a nice small village over them, that’s where I’m going, I’m going where nobody will know who I am. Once I got to the bottom it was becoming dark so I headed up I wasn’t going to go the road way because someone might see me and I didn’t want that. I headed to a little place where there was a lake it was snowy all around.

 I started a fire with the paper and matches I had. I kept the fire going with the body spray for a while then decided to let the fire go out and save some of the spray for later, and fell to sleep on the cardboard with my blanket. I woke up to a crunching noise and looked over my shoulder and noticed stray dog eating my chips. “Shoo, you stupid thing I have to survive more then you, go away” I screamed the dog just backed up and whimpered “who do you belong to little guy” I said, the dog was a white husky with blue eyes and she wasn’t skinny, so I came to the conclusion that he wasn’t out here that long, my conclusion was right indeed when I heard a man scream “Sarah, Sarah, where are you Sarah, and then I heard a whistle and the husky beside me jumped up and started to run toward the noise, so I got up and followed it. I saw an older man petting the dog and laughing, “Oh my, what do we have here a young boy out in the freezing cold mountains do we?”
“Well, sir it’s um a long story I really don’t want to get into details with right now”
“Well then we will talk about it later, till then you can get a ride with me”
“I shouldn’t all my stuffs back there I’m on my way to a curtain place”
“Oh, well ok, holler out if you change your mind”
“Thanks for the offer sir”
I headed up the hill as he walked away then realized, I have no food the dog ate it I only had a little bit of water, and my cardboard and blanket were soaked from the snow, I would die out here
“Wait up, wait up, wait up” I screamed running down the hill, I saw the guy turn around and wait it took me a while to get down and I was out of breath and I heard the old man say “I knew you would come around boy, I knew, well then off to my house and I’ll have my son take a look at you.”
“if it looked like we were scared to death like a couple of  kids just trying to save each other you should’ve seen it in color” the old man sung to the song word for word. I drifted off and finally fell asleep
                I woke up my vision a little blurry and saw a younger looking man who seemed in his twenties, he was dressed up in a nice suit and he held a paper in front of me “are you this boy?” they were looking for me what was I going to do, “um no” He looked at me and rolled his eyes “let’s go kid” he was going to turn me in.
                “Wait, you don’t understand”
                “look kid I have no time for this you look like the boy in this picture, your family is looking for you, I have to get back to work so let’s go I’m bringing you back” he said smoothly
“No they don’t want me they want to put me up for adoption”
“Son they wouldn’t have put up these papers if they didn’t want you”
“No please I don’t want to go back”
“Get up were going”
He walked out of the room I put on the set of cloths that were sitting on the side table and looked out the window, I ran over to the window and opened it, I was going to run again but this time I’m not going to be found, dead or alive. I started to climb out when a voice stopped me
“You didn’t think I was going to leave the door closed and walk away did ya” the man said
“Ugh, I don’t want to go back” I screamed
“Well that’s too bad” the man yelled back
I fell to the floor and started crying I didn’t want to go back to a place where I was hated, where I wasn’t treated right. “Please” I cried out. I could feel the man pick me up and carry me outside, I heard a car door open and then I was put in the car and I finally sniffed and looked up, I was in the same beat up truck I was in on the way here. The other door opened up and the man got in
“You’re going home weather you like it or not kid, life sucks then you die” the man said
“Why, I don’t want to go” I croaked out
“Sorry to hear that, but you have to and I’ve got to be at work in the next hour so suck it up” he said
“I don’t like you at all” I said
“Don’t worry kid I feel the same about you” he laughed
“Whatever” I mumbled
we were on our way when the man turned up the radio and started to sing along to it like the old man had “my dad chased monsters from the dark, checked underneath my bed, he could lift me with one arm, way up over top his-“
“You’re just like your dad, but I liked your dad a lot better” I said
“I get that a lot” he replied
Nothing was said after that and we pulled up to my house
“Out you go kid” he finally spoke
“Mr.…”I started
“Turner” he finished for me
“Yeah, I just want you to know I hate you” I said as I slammed his door shut and walked up the drive way, I walked into the house just in time to see my mom walk out of the kitchen, the moment she saw me she started to cry and she picked me up and said the one thing I never thought I would hear out of her mouth
“Im so sorry, I missed you I love you so much Anthony”
“Then why did you want to give me up for adoption”
She looked confused, and once we sat there for a while I finally said
“I heard you and dad talking about it in the kitchen”
“We weren’t talking about you, I’m pregnant again with a baby boy and we wanted to give him up for adoption for your sake so you wouldn’t have to do more work”
“Oh, well you can keep him I’m fine with it” I spoke after a long pause
She smilied and said “ok only because you said so, you don’t have to do all the work around here anymore, you can eat with us as a family, I’m sorry for the way we treated you, you never deserved it, stay, don’t ever do that again we all love you”
“Ok, I love you all too”
                                                                20 years later
It was my birthday and I was heading to my parents’ house with my brothers Michael, Alek, and Jorja we all get along now
“Happy birthday bro” Alek and Michael said at the same time
“Thanks guys” I said and laughed
“Yeah happy birthday Anthony” Jorja said
“Thanks sis” I laughed
When we got there my whole family wished me a happy birthday, and I had the best thirty second birthday ever with the family I love, the family that loves me.